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Tuesday, June 10

$10 Headboard-Revisited

Hey peeps so I've been away for awhile but I'll have some exciting news to share in the next few weeks!  In the meantime I wanted to revisit a post from several years back.  Why would I want to do that? Well in the past few weeks I've noticed a video I posted to Youtube now has over 300,000 VIEWS!! Yay Me!.  So without further adue.... Headboard take your place... hehe


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The way to get good is to get interested. The way to get great is to get downright fascinated and passionate. Imagine being completely intrigued, and so passionate about something that you simply can't get too much of it. When you can do that in some particular field of expertise or endeavor, you can accomplish anything you choose to accomplish in that area." Ralph Marston